The Saint Mary's University and Winona State University choirs will perform together for the first time this Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 3 p.m. in the Chapel of Saint Mary of the Angels. The chapel is on the Saint Teresa campus at the corner of Vila and Wabasha streets.
The SMU choir is conducted by Dr. Patrick O'Shea, and the WSU choir is led by Dr. Harry Mechell. The groups will perform three major pieces together: Heilig by Felix Mendelssohn; Gloria by Antonio Vivaldi; and In Ecclesiis by Giovani Gabrieli. Separately, the choirs will perform other Renaissance and Baroque numbers. The voices will be accompanied by brass, strings and the chapel organ.
We used a Sytek MPX-4A microphone preamp. (SYTEK is a Chicago-based manufacturer of very high quality outboard mic pres. Their flagship product, the MPX-4A, is a class A quad unit housed in a single rack space.) This unit has the standard 5532 op amp in channels 1 and 2. Channels 3 and 4 have a substitution of the Burr Brown 2604 AP op amp. We used channel's 1 and 2 with the Neumann's and channel's 3 and 4 with the 4050's. We went straight from the mic pre into the ADAT XT-20.
We monitored off the tape (the output of the ADAT) into a Mackie 1402 VLZ audio mixer. The Mackie then supplied a stereo signal to the Rane headphone amplifier. We used AKG K-240M and Sony 7506 headphone's for monitoring.
Microphone Cable was Canare Star Quad.
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ORTF - Named after the French broadcasting network (Office de Radiodeffusion Television Francaise), a near-coincident stereo mic technique which uses two cardiod mic microphones angled 110 degrees apart and spaced 17 cm horizontally.
Blumlein Array - A stereo microphone technique in which two coincident bidirectional microphones are angled 90 degrees apart (45 degrees to the left and right of center).
(Definitions are from the text "Practical Recording Techniques" 2nd Edition by Bruce and Jenny Bartlett.)
Our equipment table for the event. We monitored off the tape (out of the ADAT) into a Mackie 1402 VLZ audio mixer which supplied a stereo feed to the Rane headphone amplifier. We used AKG K-240M and Sony 7506 headphone's for monitoring.
**You can hear some of the recordings we have done for the SMU Choir on the Saint Mary's University Music Department CD - Volume 1